Maha Yoga at Ebenezer Baptist Church

On 16 July 2016, we were blessed to be at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA. We were one of the vendors at their health fair and were placed in the center of the room with ample space and chairs for several people to get realization at the same time.

The whole event was truly amazing. The sun was shining brightly and the environment was glistening with vibrations. Many wonderful seekers heartily received their self-realization and learned the basic clearing techniques of Maha Yoga. They loved it so much that they wanted to learn more and more and more information. Each and every one of them completely understood the importance of Maha Yoga in this great time of evolution. People kept coming to get their realization even after the event was over and all the tables and decorations had been wrapped up! They also asked us to do a special event for them.

It is an honor and a great privilege to be of service to our community and to the great seekers to truth in this great land of America. We hope to get an opportunity to participate in many more of such events.

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